Saturday, October 25, 2008

9. Culture As A Commodity?

The Pussycat Dolls wore black Saris by designer Rocky S at the Conde Nast Media Group's 5th Annual Fashion Rocks benefit on September 5, 2008.


Unknown said...

That depends on what we mean by culture. There is everyday lived culture, and then there is the deliberate commodification of culture for the purposes of marketing a place, a product, an art form etc.

I am torn about this. On the one hand commodification of indigenous cultures in the form of tourism, or in the was that Bollywood has done so, is one way of counteracting the hegemony of american or western-led culture. This also helps to preserve dying cultural art forms for future generations.

A part of me though, feels that such museumisation is inauthentic and culture should be lived and breathed. furthermore, once it's a commodity, it's passe, no? real life street culture is always ahead of the market :P

michael said...

It is not enough just sex-ing it up with pictures of these pussy cats with their revealing saris. Readers can get these pictures on the Net without visiting your blog. It will be more inspiring if you can tell us how the cultural or artistic aspect of the designer saris have been commoditised to the desires of pop culture.

Steve Andre said...

This post was just meant to have pictures :)